
Sunday 25 May 2014

Interesting Channels on YouTube

I've been spending a lot of my limited free time on YouTube recently, and thought that instead of talking about what I've been watching, I should tell you about some of the awesome science channels that are on there (in no particular order).

1. Veritasium - this is a channel that tries to explain so many things about the world around us by showing us cool things. For example:

This explains what a kilogram actually is and how the definition is changing. Now I had never even thought about this before but found it incredibly interesting to watch!

2. Vsauce focuses more on mind blowing facts. This video completely blew my mind!

To think that we're all at least 50th cousins! Say what?!?!?

3. Crash Course - This channel is by the awesome John and Hank Green but is more to teach us about things than to make our minds explode.

This video may be a little bit on the controversial side for anyone who's religious, but I find this stuff very interesting, although Hank did use a bit too many long words!

4. Sci Show - Yes, another channel from the Green brothers, this time focusing more on science news.

Now Blogger has decided to stop embedding videos, so here's the link to a video about why we lie -

As you can see, there are so many different aspects to our world that can all be explained using science! Hopefully in the future I'll be able to discuss things like these on here. I know this has been a bit of a lazy post, but revision has just taken over recently - luckily within two weeks they'll all be over!

Sunday 18 May 2014

Why Ballerinas Like Roundabouts: My A-Level English Coursework

So my English Language coursework has just been moderated and as it's written in a similar style to these blog posts, I thought I'd like to share it with you. Enjoy!

Sunday 4 May 2014

The Origins of "May Day"

So tomorrow (May 5th) is the May Day bank holiday here in the UK, and as I wasn't really sure about how it came about, I thought I'd do some research and tell all of you guys!

According to this wikipedia article, May Day had its origins in pre-Christian society, and is closely linked to the celebration of Walpurgis Night, a Germanic festival (originally 'Walpurgisnacht'), whcih was celebrated on the 30th April. This is the eve of the feast day of St, Walpurga, an 8th-century German abbess, and is said to be the night of a witches' meeting.