
About Us

Hello! Welcome to our blog, which is about current affairs that we're interested in. Our names are Tess and Jennifer, and we are currently studying for our A-levels in the UK.

I (Tess) am studying Spanish, French and English Language, as well as AS Biology, and when I'm older I would like to teach languages. Any posts about artsy-type cultural things on here were probably written by me. I read a lot, so I'll probably write about books as well, and I'll also write about fandoms and the internet.
I (Jenni) am studying Spanish, Geography, Chemistry and Maths, and hopefully at university I'd like to do Human Geography. I will be posting about sciency, geographical things such as space exploration and climate change. There may be the odd game-related post in here, perhaps talking about any new consoles and stuff as I'm pretty into that sort of thing. I also like books and some of the fandoms, so I sympathise with anyone into TFiOS, Divergent and The Hunger Games!

Jenni also has an individual blog: where she talks about what's going on in her life, amongst other things.

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