
Tuesday 7 January 2014

The Controversial One: Gay Marriage

So I was talking to Jenni and we thought that we'd start with a bang, so here it is: my views on same-sex marriage.

Most of you will be aware that "same-sex marriage" or "gay marriage" has been a frequently discussed issue recently, and as a result has been "legalised" in 16 countries including the UK, Belgium, Canada, Denmark and South Africa, as well as in 16 US states, which is a start, but not where we want to be at this stage. Homosexuality is still punishable by death in far too many countries.

So that was the facts. Now time for the rant.

I don't understand why people have an issue with same-sex marriage. They can say that 'marriage is a religious ceremony' or that it 'diminishes the role of the Church', but that doesn't stop thousands if not millions of un-religious heterosexual marriages taking place across the world - my parents got married in a registry office.

People who say that "homosexuality is a sin because it says it in the Bible' need to go and read the Bible again. Leviticus also condones slavery. Make of that what you will.

But seriously, there must be thousands of Christian homosexuals out there, and most of them do have issues with their own homosexuality "in the eyes of God". Some see themselves as a failure, or something that is against nature. But if there are those who have worked through that to become secure and safe within themselves, secure enough to come out and to be accepting of themselves, and then meet someone else who is also comfortable with their sexuality and religion, and then decide they want to be married "in the eyes of God", then why shouldn't they be? They probably worked harder on their relationship and their religion than any heterosexual couple who's got married.

Just think how hard it must be to realise that you're "different", accept that yourself, have your family and friends finally accept it (because for some, it might take a while), and then to have the government and the Church treat you as inferior because you're "different". We worked through women's rights, and although we're still not fully equal in terms of pay and things, we weren't imprisoned or put to death for being women as little as 50 or 60 years ago. Because that was a reality for "out" homosexuals in the 50s and 60s. And in some African and Asian countries, homosexuality is still punishable by death. That's what we need to work on now: LGBT rights. Worldwide. Starting with life. Then marriage.

Hannah Hart did a series on Coming Out as a lesbian on YouTube - watch it here.

~ Tess (Picture credit)

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