
Sunday 3 August 2014

How Popular Games are Viewed by Different People

Video games are a way of life for some people, for some they're played for pure enjoyment, others just don't really care one way or the other. However, we all have opinions on them, and in this post I hope to show you another opinion on two popular games compared to the general consensus.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Skyrim is an action role-playing game where you take on the role of Alduin, a dragon that is thought to destroy the world in the near future. You can choose any class you wish and your main storyline is exactly the same, which is one thing I do like about this game. However, you don't have to follow the plot at all if you don't want to, and instead can complete huge side quests (such as becoming a werewolf with The Companions) - it is this that I really don't like. Popular opinion is that this is a good thing as everyone can enjoy a large part of the game, but from my point of view there is just too much choice. The combat is very slow and in my opinion this takes all the "action" out of it, although some believe it adds to its character. It was a waste of £25.


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You've probably heard me rave about this game somewhere on the internet before, so I'll try not to repeat myself too much. Minecraft is a sandbox game where you can create buildings that defy the laws of physics; fight both deadly monsters and  fellow players; go on adventures into the unknown by crafting, smelting, and whatever else you can think of - the fact that I struggled to find an appropriate logo/picture just shows the diversity with which you can take this game. The huge possibilities that this game can offer in my opinion, puts it well above anything else I've played. You may wonder as to why considering my above view of Skyrim, and to be honest, so do I. Many gamers come to Minecraft saying "" It's graphics aren't great, it can be quite buggy at times and is confined by its blocky nature. It's this charm and the game's uniqueness that makes it lovable by so many.

I completely understand that everybody is entitled to their opinion about the above games, and I for one would be interested to discuss with you about them in the comments. I realise this is a bit of a different post to my previous ones but I wanted to write about something I enjoy that didn't involve anything too informative; thus, video games.

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