
Sunday 23 February 2014

Wake Up Call

Before I write anything, I'd like you to watch this video that recently caught my attention:

Monday 17 February 2014

Camp Takota, Friendship and Community Spirit

So I don't know if you've heard, but a film called Camp Takota came out on Friday, and it was kind of a big deal, for me at least. Now, I know that some of you might not know anything about Camp Takota, and that's okay, I'll fill you in.

Friday 7 February 2014

Our Memories are Lying to Us!

Psychology has always interested me - how the brain works, the processes we go to just to calculate 1 + 1. But the thing that I will focus on today is how we store information we're given to be used later; how me remember things.

Photo from ImageSource (royalty-free)

We normally think of memory as a jumbling mass of ideas in our brain that we delve into when we need to, perhaps for an exam, or an important speech. However, I'm here to tell you that what we remember is not actually what happened.

Sunday 2 February 2014

TSWGO and TFiOS Trailer

A week of acronyms and initialisms! I'm going to talk about two things this week, both broadly related to Nerdfighteria (and if you're a nerdfighter, chances are you know what the title of this post actually means!)

Firstly, the book by the late Esther Earl, a committed nerdfighter who died of thyroid cancer in 2010 aged 16, came out this week. It's called "This Star Won't Go Out: The Life and Words of Esther Grace Earl", and is a collection of entries from her journals, as well as letters, emails, drawings and anecdotes, collated by her parents and introduced by the author John Green, with whom she had a close friendship. The phrase "This Star Won't Go Out" was thought up by one of Esther's friends in the months before she died as a sort of protest against the idea that death erases a person - "Esther" means "star", and so it fundamentally means that even after her death, Esther will continue to live in the memories of those whose lives she touched - and her commitment to Nerdfighteria makes that an awful lot of lives.