
Sunday 23 February 2014

Wake Up Call

Before I write anything, I'd like you to watch this video that recently caught my attention:

This video has a powerful message; that we are destroying our environment in order to have the coolest gadgets. Consumerism is tearing up the earth, and we all have fallen prey to it. Who has a smartphone here? I do, and I feel very guilty about owning one after watching the video.

I was having a conversation recently with my dad about renewable energy, and I was arguing that there does not seem to be a proper reason for not installing wind turbines, solar panels etc across the country. People argue that renewable technology is too expensive, but because it's at the cutting edge of science it has to be pricey. It pays back in the long term too.

Another reason for not using environmentally-friendly methods is because socially we are not ready. In response, WE WILL NEVER BE READY. The idea of giving up cars, and therefore our freedom to travel, in return for buses, is a no-no for most. We need to be forced to change our ways or it will never happen.

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