
Sunday 22 June 2014

What I look for at University Open Days

This time of year is the time for university open days if you're around sixth form age in the UK. Yesterday I went to Leeds, and to Exeter last week, so now I've had a little bit of experience of them and am starting to get an idea of what I'm looking for when I go to the next ones.

Sunday 15 June 2014

How the English Education System Works (at the moment!)

I've had many a discussion with Americans over the internet as to how our education system works, and as I've seen from the stats that many of you are, in fact, American, I thought I'd make a post about it.

Monday 9 June 2014

The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet: My Spanish Essay (Translated)

I'm now also going to be bit lazy and pop in some Spanish work, but don't worry, it's all translated into English. If you want to see the original essay in Spanish, it's on my personal blog. Please bare in mind that it isn't very well written as my Spanish is most definitely not my first language.

The internet has changed how we learn, communicate and relate to each other in the world. There are many advantages to this new way of life, but also disadvantages. Like the majority of things, I think that we should only use the internet in moderation.

Sunday 1 June 2014

Cool Crown Jewels: More English Coursework

I KNOW THIS IS REALLY LAZY. But to be honest I don't really care. A-levels are happening and also it's 10pm on a Sunday night. So. Behold my Horrible Histories-esque piece about the crown jewels. It's written for younger readers, but don't be put off. It's interesting and also I tried to be funny. Featuring art by my awesome friend Eva Morley (Twitter) (Instagram).