
Monday 9 June 2014

The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet: My Spanish Essay (Translated)

I'm now also going to be bit lazy and pop in some Spanish work, but don't worry, it's all translated into English. If you want to see the original essay in Spanish, it's on my personal blog. Please bare in mind that it isn't very well written as my Spanish is most definitely not my first language.

The internet has changed how we learn, communicate and relate to each other in the world. There are many advantages to this new way of life, but also disadvantages. Like the majority of things, I think that we should only use the internet in moderation.

The internet contains a huge variety of information that you can discover just at the click of a button. For example, if you wanted to look up dinosaurs, you could type it into a search engine and many websites appear straight away. After that you can choose a site and find information about whatever you want and in my opinion this is the best thing about the internet. For example, last week I used the internet to help me with my geography homework, and I think that this knowledge has helped me understand the subject better.

On the other hand, given that there is a lot of freedom on the internet, there are also many dangerous websites that people have created, such as porn sites. Many government studies have shown that these websites are found by children and harm them psychologically. From my point of view, the government should put more restrictions on the way in which people can access these websites. I would have said to forbid these disgusting websites, but many people would have complained. If only it were simpler!

With technology advancing, email and social networks have become more and more popular in the last few years. The world is becoming smaller as people can easily communicate with others in other countries. For me, I use Twitter and Facebook to talk to the world (I couldn't be bothered to explain Blogger as well). I mainly use Facebook to keep in contact with my family and friends that I don't seen very often. It's interesting to see what they're doing without making a fuss. Doesn't sound creepy at all.

Of course, the ability to communicate freely is not without its dangers. In "chats", there are trolls (troles in Spanish) whom are anonymous people that write with the sole intention of annoying other users with insults. In addition to this, there are people called "hackers" that try to find out your personal details by sending spam or installing viruses on your computer. For example, a group of "hackers" have designed an email that appear to be your bank that needs to confirm your information, but obviously this isn't the case. Many people reveal all their bank details to these emails which the "hackers" use to take their money. I believe that the government should educate more people to help them recognise spam so that fewer people lose their money.

In other words, I'm lucky that I live in a technological time, especially with the massive rise of the internet, because it is a great resource with many possibilities. I understand that there are risks due to the internet such as scams, but also people should  be able to recognise them after more than 10 years of them occurring. We shouldn't worry about the problems and have faith in humanity that we don't use the internet to destroy society.

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