
Sunday 22 June 2014

What I look for at University Open Days

This time of year is the time for university open days if you're around sixth form age in the UK. Yesterday I went to Leeds, and to Exeter last week, so now I've had a little bit of experience of them and am starting to get an idea of what I'm looking for when I go to the next ones.

1. A Good Impression of the Campus/Main Site itself

Whenever I walk into a university for the first time, my initial reaction is of the buildings, how close they are, the architecture etc, and the number of people around (ie. how crowded it is). Now, architecture isn't something that will make or break a university for me, but I want to be able to look forward to go into a building, not thinking that it's a bit naff.

2. Homely Accomodation

This is very important, as it will be where I will spend a lot of my time working, sleeping, washing, etc. If I don't like my room, for example, I won't like going back to it every night. Accommodation is also one of the main things that can vary greatly between universities, so I try and take in as much information about it to easily compare them.

3. Friendly and Informative Students/Staff

I was quite surprised to find that I take notice of this quite a bit, but there we go. I have found out lots of things that you can't read about online or in a prospectus, for example Leeds will be dropping a module that I was looking forward to, which was not updated on their website. It is also nice to see people who are enthusiastic about their subject, as it shows that the course must be good and the teachers interesting.

4. Cool Student Union

I couldn't think of the word that means that there are lots of things to do. I think that if the Student Union at the university has loads of things to do and get involved in then you should be able to find something that you can enjoy. Most universities will have bars and a shop, but what else that will set them apart?

Those are the four main things I make sure I see at an open day, as choosing your course and the practicalities of travelling there and back can be thought about at a different time, either before or after.

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