
Sunday 21 September 2014

Sam Pepper and the It's On Us campaign *TRIGGER WARNING: Sexual Assault/Rape*

So by now most of you will have seen Sam Pepper's new video. Now, I don't watch him, I'm not subscribed, I've never seen one of his videos. Until today.

Today, Sam Pepper, who for those of you who don't know is an influential YouTuber with over 2 million subscribers, posted a video of him pinching girls' bottoms while he 'asked for directions' to the Apple Store. He then pretended it wasn't him, while they were visibly shaken.


This video packages sexual harassment and assault as entertainment. Sam Pepper is an example of why we need to keep acting to prevent sexual assault and rape. It's videos like his that perpetuate rape culture in society. Remember when #YesAllWomen was trending on Twitter? This is the same issue.

So please, feel free to follow this link, and dislike and report Sam Pepper's horrendous, unacceptable video. If you think that this is any way acceptable, I don't want you here. So go. Please.

This video was published just a day after Barack Obama launched his "It's On Us" campaign, which works to prevent sexual abuse and rape on college campuses across the US. It encourages everyone to pledge to not be a bystander. To call out your friends and acquaintances if we see them with someone who can't or won't consent. Because consent is mandatory. It encourages us to stand with victims of sexual assault and support them and do something to stop it happening again.

I've taken the pledge. So has President Obama and Vice-President Biden, alongside thousands of others. So you should do it too. Go to and take the pledge. Show society that this is what needs to be done, not posting videos of sexual harassment of strangers.

~ Tess

If you've been affected by rape or sexual assault, remember that there are places you can go to for help. Visit for resources, or The Survivors' Trust for a list of UK helplines. If you're in the US or anywhere else, visit RAINN and find your country's helplines.

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