
Sunday 26 October 2014

The Geography of Birthdays

Guess what: IT WAS MY BIRTHDAY. WOOHOO! So I thought it was appropriate to have a look at the geography of where the day of your birth is celebrated and when.

According to About Education, you share your birthday with over 19 million people in the world. Weird! There are 3.7 million Chinese, 3.2 million Indians and 859,178 Americans with the same birthday as you, but only 2 or 3 people from the Vatican city.
There's also a question about when it's celebrated, as midnight for one person is mid-morning for another. Here's a time zone map that should help when calculating at what time things will happen in other countries:

Take the country of Kiribati (why Kiribati? Why not.). When the bell tolls midnight on your birthday in Britain, say, in Kiribati it's already midday. Now I know you're all familiar with time zones so I won't go on, but it never ceases to amaze me that not everything is running at the same time.

I'd just like to apologise for the lack of posts in the last month, it's been pretty hectic for the both of us in terms of applying to uni and just general life stuff, but I promise we'll try and do better this month!

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