
Sunday 30 March 2014

Universities are Confusing!

Recently my sixth form attended a UCAS event to find out all about what universities and other opportunities are out there for us after we finish compulsory education. For me personally, it was basically an exercise of picking up prospectuses so you don't have to sign up for emails from the universities. If you didn't know already, I want to study Geography at university in two academic years time, preferably to do with climate change and with a year abroad so that I can keep my Spanish up. The trouble is, most universities do Geography, and all the degrees are very similar.

Here are the universities that I am interested in (in no particular order):

Queen Mary Exeter Leeds Lancaster
UEA Cambridge Durham Sheffield
Southampton Liverpool Oxford York
UCL Nottingham Reading Birmingham

These are just the ones I have picked out that have either a good choice of modules, are well-known, or have the ability to study/work abroad. As you can see there are quite a few, and I could easily add more if I wanted to. However I've had to limit myself so as not to get too confused.

I am so lucky to be living in a time where there is so much choice and opportunity for me to do exactly what I want, but the trouble is it's hard to pinpoint what that actually is. These conventions are meant to help us in deciding what to do, but to be honest it has confused me further, as there are other things to think about besides the actual degrees. There's accommodation, for example, general location, facilities that are on offer; the list is endless. At the moment Leeds is my favourite, but Exeter, Birmingham and Oxford are all up there too. And then there are the other ones as well. I just don't know!

I apologise for not posting sooner, I just wanted to try and get back to our usual Sunday schedule, of course I didn't forget... Sorry for holding you back Tess!

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